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A Symposium on Admission Testing for the IEC Community


Please join us for lunch and a Symposium on College Admission Testing, a professional development opportunity specifically designed for IECs. The program will take place on Wednesday, March 6th from 11:30am-1pm. Compass Co-Founder, Adam Ingersoll, will be leading the event, as he is in town to provide keynote presentations at St. John’s, Kinkaid, and several other schools. In addition to presentations at schools for parents and workshops for college counselors, Adam also provides training on test interpretation for admission teams, most recently at Caltech and USC. While our talks for students and parents are often billed as “Admission Testing 101,” the symposia we facilitate for college counselors could be considered graduate-level. We take a deep dive into the current landscape of admission testing, offering up-to-date, nuanced information on all the thorniest questions.

Event Location: Seasons 52 at 4410 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX 77027

Examples of topics covered include:

  • How to successfully discourage students from starting too soon, correcting the “more is more” assumptions around testing and test prep, what do the data tell us about developmentally-appropriate testing timelines
  • Helping students choose between the SAT and ACT, what differences are meaningful, how to understand practice test reports and make the correct decision
  • Making sense of the shifting milieu of college testing policies: Subject Tests required vs. recommend vs. will consider, SAT/ACT essay requirements and scoring variability, super-scoring and score choice restrictions and the implications for repeat testing
  • The surge in high scorers and the implications for students, counselors, and admission offices
  • Understanding the harsh scaling of recent SAT exams and how unexpected raw difficulty of tests impact students

We’ll share detailed updates, rationales, and perspectives around these questions and more, which you can put to use immediately to help encourage healthy testing-related behavior by students and parents.

Please join us for essential testing insights, a tasty lunch, and the good company of fellow consultants.

Please RSVP by completing the short form below.


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    *All fields are required.


    Adam Ingersoll

    Adam began his career in test prep in 1993 at USC, where he was a student-athlete and worked in the admission office. Over the last two decades he has guided thousands of families to successful experiences with standardized tests. Adam is known nationally as a leading expert on college admission testing and is a frequent presenter at higher ed conferences, faculty development workshops, and school seminars.

    Praise for Our IEC Symposia

    Compass gave an invaluable presentation to our regional group of IECs. The information was detailed, easy to understand, and provided insights on testing we had not received from anywhere else.

    Kim Snyder Mehta, IECA Member, Washington DC

    Compass' presentations are well-researched, insightful, and essential to IECs hoping to understand the latest developments in college admission testing.

    Laura Gatzionis, IECA Global Committee Chair

    With humor and aplomb, Compass did an amazing job of bringing the College Consultants of Colorado up to speed on current trends in the testing world.

    Shelly Humbach, HECA Member, Colorado

    As an IEC, staying on top of the trends and changes related to the standardized testing landscape today is paramount. The guidance and expertise offered to IECs by Compass through workshops, presentations, and resources are essential to professional development.

    Laura Blanche, HECA/IECA/PACAC Member, Pennsylvania

    With a blend of humor, data, and facts, Compass' presentation offers much-needed clarity to the testing landscape. My students and families have already benefited from the information and resources I have passed along. Thank you Compass for making it a priority to keep IECs up-to-date on the latest testing research.

    Joanne LaSpina, IECA Professional Member, HECA Member, Pennsylvania