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The Compass Online Testing Center

Sign Up for an Online Interactive Practice ACT or Practice Digital, Adaptive SAT

Key features include:
  • Immediate scoring
  • An enhanced score report that includes time spent per question
  • Highlighter, Answer Masking, and Answer Eliminator tools to help you mark up your online test
  • Question Flagging that lets your tutors see where you felt most challenged during the test
  • The freedom to start your test whenever you’re ready; extended time accommodations if needed
  • Digital Adaptive SAT/PSAT: get a feel for the updated test format with
    • new question formats
    • shorter reading passages
    • updated timing
    • digital interface that mimics the real test
    • adaptive structure and scoring

Compass is the only tutoring company that offers the advanced testing analytics you receive with these premium score reports. Whether taken before tutoring begins or mid-way through your program, an online interactive practice test provides the most detailed diagnostic assessment of your performance, allowing your tutor to better identify areas for improvement.


To sign up for a practice computer-based exam ($50*), click the button above. Some restrictions apply. This is for new students only. If you are working with Compass or have ever taken a practice test with us, please contact us at (800) 685-6986 or set up a practice test instead. Students who have tested with Compass previously may see a repeat test when using the above registration. 

As part of our Practice Test Donation Campaign, 10% of the proceeds from all practice tests will be donated to organizations that enact social change through educational programming! Click here to meet this quarter’s recipient and learn more about the PTDC.

*Need-based fee waivers available.
**Questions and answers are available to review for 120 days following completion of a test.

Ready to see an interactive test in action? Check out our demo test!

The demo must be accessed through Safari, Chrome, or Firefox on a laptop, desktop, or tablet. Mobile phones are not supported.

Learn More about Online Testing Features

Preview our Interactive Score Report

The question viewer is accessible for 60 days.