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How to Have a Great Test Day

By May 16, 2018July 15th, 2024ACT, For Students, SAT

Your attitude and energy have a big effect on any standardized test! Plan ahead and you’ll arrive at the exam energized, confident, and prepared.

The month before the test:

  • Plan out schoolwork. Complete major projects by the middle of test week.  

The week before the test:

  • Adjust your sleep schedule. If you’re usually a night owl, start getting to bed earlier.
  • Wrap up school work. Aim for a no-homework Friday.
  • Eat healthy, balanced meals.
  • Drive to the test location and scout parking.

The day before the test:

  • Just for this day, set aside studying.
  • Take time to unwind. Enjoy one of your favorite activities.
  • A light workout is a good idea; a grueling one is not!
  • Pack test necessities:
    • Admission ticket
    • Picture ID
    • Directions to the test
    • Pencils and eraser
    • Calculator with spare batteries
    • Watch
    • Snacks and drinks

The day of the test:

  • Get up at least two hours before the test.
  • Start your day with 10 minutes of light exercise to make sure you’re awake.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast. Don’t pile on caffeine if you don’t usually drink it.
  • Work a few easy test questions. Don’t worry about checking the answers; you’re just warming up.
  • Get to the testing site early to avoid stressful delays. Remember, the roads and parking lot will be very busy with arriving students.
  • Find the bathroom! Know where to go on your breaks.
  • Once you’re in your testing room, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Get to a calm place. You’ve got this!  
The Compass Team

Compass is one of the world's leading providers of in-home and online, live one-on-one tutoring for high school students aspiring to attend selective colleges.

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