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SAT and ACT Policies and Score Ranges for Popular Colleges and Universities

Compass has compiled the most recently available score range data and admission testing policies for popular colleges and universities, public and private, chosen to represent a wide array of four-year postsecondary institutions in the U.S. 

The SAT and ACT scores in the table below represent the most recently reported* scores available. The 25th to 75th percentile ranges show the mid-50% of test scores submitted by enrolled students. These scores should not be viewed as cutoffs or qualifying scores as the ranges are often inflated by pandemic-era score submission practices. In fact, withholding scores may suggest much lower performance to admission officers than would your actual score. 

In early 2024, schools like Yale, Dartmouth, and Brown followed MIT and returned to requiring testing for nearly all applicants. We have compiled recent significant testing policy updates here.

Schools marked with an asterisk (*) are only Test Optional for some students. Schools that are Test Optional for admissions may require or recommend scores for merit scholarships. We track merit award score ranges and testing policies here.

We encourage you to click on a college’s name, which links directly to its testing policy page for the most complete guidance.

SchoolTesting PolicyPolicy DetailsNumber of ApplicantsAccept RateSAT Total 25th–75th PercentileACT Total 25th–75th Percentile
California Institute of TechnologyTest RequiredCaltech requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of the application process. CalTech does not offer merit-based aid.166262.69%
Harvard College Test RequiredHarvard requires applicants to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of the application process. In exceptional cases when those tests are not accessible, students may submit AP Exam, IB, GCSE/A-Level, or National Leaving Exam Results.569373.45%1500–158034–36
Stanford UniversityTest RequiredStanford requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of the application for admission.537333.91%1500–156034–35
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyTest RequiredMIT requires applicants to submit SAT or ACT scores.337673.96%1520–157035–36
Yale UniversityTest RequiredYale requires applicants to submit SAT, ACT, or AP/IB scores as part of the admissions process. Yale does not offer merit-based aid.518044.50%1500–156033–35
Brown UniversityTest RequiredBrown requires students submit SAT or ACT scores as part of their admission application. Brown does not offer merit-based aid.513165.23%1510–156034–35
Dartmouth CollegeTest RequiredDartmouth requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of their application. Dartmouth does not offer merit-based aid.288416.23%
Johns Hopkins UniversityTest RequiredJHU requires applicants to submit SAT or ACT scores.382946.28%1530–156034–35
Cornell UniversityTest RequiredCornell requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of the application for admission. Cornell does not offer merit-based aid.678467.90%1480–155033–35
United States Naval AcademyTest RequiredUSNA requires all applicants to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of the admissions process.147279.36%
Carnegie Mellon UniversityTest RequiredCMU requires students to submit test scores as part of their application. The School of Computer Science only allows SAT or ACT scores. Other schools allow AP, IB, A-Level, or French Baccalaureate in the place of SAT/ACT. The College of Fine Arts is the only school that remains test optional, however portfolios or auditions are still required.3370711.40%1500–157034–35
United States Military AcademyTest RequiredWest Point requires applicants to submit SAT or ACT scores.1255911.95%1230–143027–33
Georgetown UniversityTest RequiredGeorgetown requires submission of SAT/ACT scores for admission. Students who apply without scores will be asked to explain why they were unable to take a test. Georgetown does not offer merit-based aid.2548513.08%1390–153032–34
United States Air Force AcademyTest RequiredUSAFA requires either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.835316.23%1320–147028–33
Georgia Institute of TechnologyTest RequiredThe University System of Georgia requires students to submit an SAT or ACT test score as part of the application.5237716.46%1330–151028–34
University of MiamiTest RequiredUniversity of Miami has reinstated their testing policy for Fall 2026 applicants.4828618.51%1340–145030–33
Florida A&M UniversityTest RequiredFAMU requires either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.2271321.12%1040–115019–24
University of FloridaTest RequiredThe University of Florida requires either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.6447323.35%1320–147028–33
Florida State UniversityTest RequiredFlorida State University requires either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.7403825.38%1250–138027–31
United States Merchant Maritime AcademyTest RequiredUSMMA requires either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.153127.37%
University of Texas—AustinTest RequiredUT Austin requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of the application for admission.6610929.12%
University of GeorgiaTest RequiredThe University System of Georgia requires students to submit an SAT or ACT test score as part of the application.4341637.19%1230–141027–32
University of South FloridaTest RequiredUniversity of South Florida requries either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.6518740.96%1240–133024–29
University of Central FloridaTest RequiredUniversity of Central Florida requires either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the ACT Writing Test.5521043.39%1200–134025–29
University of TennesseeTest RequiredThe University of Tennessee requires SAT/ACT scores as part of the application for admission.5048845.99%1190–134025–31
Purdue University—West LafayetteTest RequiredPurdue University requires either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.7280050.28%1210–145027–34
University of DallasTest RequiredUniversity of Dallas requires first year applicants to submit offical SAT or ACT scores.430758.70%1190–139024–31
Florida InternationalTest RequiredFlorida International University requires either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the ACT Writing Test.2503458.84%1060–124020–26
Gallaudet UniversityTest RequiredGallaudet University requires either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.42560.94%770–89014–18
Florida Institute of TechnologyTest RequiredFlorida Institute of Technology requires either the SAT or ACT. It generally does not require the optional ACT Writing Test, but it may be required for some applicants.1520562.53%1120–131023–28
New College of FloridaTest RequiredThe New College of Florida requires either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.183075.41%1120–134024–31
Thomas Aquinas CollegeTest RequiredThomas Aquinas College requires requires that applicants take the SAT, the ACT, or the CLT. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test. Thomas Aquinas College does not offer merit-based aid.26284.73%1210–140027–32
University of MemphisTest RequiredUM requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of their applicants.1562793.38%930–118017–24
Columbia UniversityTest OptionalColumbia offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply without SAT or ACT scores.571264.00%1510–156034–35
University of ChicagoTest OptionalUChicago offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.388004.77%
Northeastern UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Northeastern has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2025-26 admission cycle.966315.65%1460–153033–35
Princeton University Test Optional (Temporary)Princeton has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle. Princeton does not offer merit-based aid.380195.70%1510–157034–35
Duke UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Duke has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle.495235.88%1490–156033–35
Vanderbilt UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Vanderbilt has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2026–27 admission cycle.453136.28%1500–156034–35
University of PennsylvaniaTest Optional (Temporary)UPenn has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle.545886.50%1500–157034–35
Pomona CollegeTest OptionalPomona College offers a test optional policy which allows students to apply without SAT or ACT scores.121216.76%1480–155033–35
Swarthmore CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Swarthmore has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admission cycle.142876.94%1480–154033–34
Northwestern UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Northwestern has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle.517697.22%1500–156033–35
Colby CollegeTest OptionalColby College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. Colby does not offer merit-based aid.168907.61%1430–154032–34
Barnard CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Barnard College has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2026–27 admissions cycle. Barnard College does not offer merit-based aid.118037.63%1450–152032–34
Rice UniversityTest OptionalRice recommends, but does not require, that students submit SAT or ACT test scores with their applications.310597.88%
Bowdoin CollegeTest OptionalBowdoin College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. Bowdoin does not offer merit-based aid.109668.02%1470–153033–35
University of California—Los AngelesTest FreeThe UC system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT/ACT scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships.1459108.73%
New York UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)NYU has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admission cycle.1135789.41%1480–155033–35
Amherst CollegeTest OptionalAmherst offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.127279.82%1480–155031–35
Williams CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Williams has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle.114659.99%1480–155033–35
Tufts UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Tufts has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2025–26 admission cycle.3400310.13%1470–153033–35
Middlebury CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Middlebury has extended their temproary, test optional policy to the 2025–26 admission cycle. Middlebury does not offer merit-based aid.1329710.37%1440–153033–34
Emory UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Emory has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle.3325510.65%1470–154032–34
Grinnell CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Grinnell has extended their temporary test optional policy to Fall 2026.999710.76%1410–152031–33
Boston UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)BU has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2027–28 admission cycle.8049510.85%1410–150032–34
Claremont McKenna CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)CMC has extended their temporary test optional policy to fall 2025 admission.579911.12%1470–153033–35
University of California—BerkeleyTest FreeThe UC system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT/ACT scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships.12591611.73%
Hamilton CollegeTest OptionalHamilton offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores. Hamilton does not offer merit-based aid.964311.77%1430–152032–35
Washington University in St. LouisTest Optional (Temporary)Washington University in St. Louis offers a test optional policy.3224011.96%1500–157033–35
University of Southern CaliforniaTest Optional (Temporary)USC has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admission cycle.6906212.02%1460–154032–35
University of Notre DameTest Optional (Temporary)Notre Dame has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle.2835312.38%1440–154032–35
Colgate UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Colgate University has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2026–27 admissions cycle.2110912.43%1420–151032–34
Haverford CollegeTest OptionalHaverford offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission with SAT or ACT scores. Haverford does not offer merit-based aid.639112.91%1440–153033–35
Bates CollegeTest OptionalBates offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. Bates does not offer merit-based aid.907613.06%1370–148031–33
Harvey Mudd CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Harvey Mudd has extended their temporary test optional policy through 2025.479213.06%1490–155034–36
Wellesley CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Wellesley College has extended their temporary test optional policy to Fall 2025 admission.818413.91%1460–154033–35
Davidson CollegeTest OptionalDavidson offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission with SAT or ACT scores. Homeschooled students and students who attend non-traditional schools are recommended to submit scores.734714.48%1360–151031–34
Tulane UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Tulane currently offers a test optional policy, which means students are able to apply without SAT or ACT scores.2793614.59%1400–149031–33
United States Coast Guard AcademyTest OptionalUSCGA has adopted a test optional policy. While scores are optional, they are encouraged, and students applying without scores are asked to upload a short statement.189415.47%1160–136026–31
Boston CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Boston College has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle.3653715.59%1450–152033–34
Pitzer CollegeTest Free (Temporary)Pitzer has been test optional since 2003. After nearly two decades of test optional admissions, Pitzer College will switch to a test-free admission policy through Fall 2025.346416.66%
University of North Carolina—Chapel HillTest Optional* (Temporary)The UNC System requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores. However, students with an unweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher are able to apply test optional.5722116.85%1360–151030–34
Denison UniversityTest OptionalDenison offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores.1458016.93%1320–144029–32
Wesleyan UniversityTest OptionalWesleyan University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission. International students will not be required to submit SAT or ACT scores for the 2020-21 admission cycle.1450017.10%1300–150031–34
Washington and Lee UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Washington and Lee has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle.682017.36%1410–153032–35
Vassar CollegeTest OptionalVassar offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores. Vassar College does not offer merit-based aid.1214517.73%1450–153033–35
University of Michigan—Ann ArborTest OptionalThe University of Michigan offers a test optional policy.8763217.94%1350–153031–34
University of VirginiaTest Optional (Temporary)UVA has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle.5092618.66%1400–154032–34
Rhode Island School of DesignTest OptionalRhode Island School of Design offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, international and homeschooled students are still required to submit test scores.N/A19.00%
Smith CollegeTest OptionalSmith College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, international students are not eligible for test optional admission.986819.73%1430–152032–34
Babson CollegeTest OptionalBabson has adopted a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.799520.00%1430–151032–34
Colorado CollegeTest OptionalColorado College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and international students are not eligible for test optional admission.753220.03%1380–150031–34
Hillsdale CollegeTest OptionalHillsdale College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.21.00%1350–149030–33
College of the Holy CrossTest OptionalThe College of the Holy Cross offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.867021.10%1270–142028–32
University of California—IrvineTest FreeThe UC system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT/ACT scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships.11919921.27%
Wake Forest UniversityTest OptionalWake Forest offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.1747921.56%1410–150032–34
Carleton CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Carleton College has extended their temporary test optional to Fall 2025 admissions.646422.28%1440–153032–34
The Cooper UnionTest Optional (Temporary)Cooper Union has extended their temporary test optional policy for first-year and transfer applicants, to Fall 2025.150822.28%1380–153032–35
Skidmore CollegeTest OptionalSkidmore College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, international students and homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.1214422.92%1320–144030–33
University of RichmondTest Optional (Temporary)University of Richmond has extended their temporary test optional policy to fall 2025 admissions.1512123.31%1430–151032–34
Villanova UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Villanova has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2025–26 admission cycle.2383523.39%1390–148032–34
University of California—San DiegoTest FreeThe UC system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT/ACT scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships.13084524.76%
Reed CollegeTest Free (Temporary)Reed has extended their temporary test free admission policy to the Fall 2025 period.1004527.16%1320–148029–34
University of California—Santa BarbaraTest FreeThe UC system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT/ACT scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships.11087627.78%
Trinity UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Trinity University has extended their test optional policy to the 2025–26 admission cycle.1142528.16%1290–144029–33
Macalester CollegeTest OptionalMacalester College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, Macalester recommends that homeschooled students and students who attend high schools that do not provide grades submit SAT or ACT scores.809928.21%1350–148030–33
Case Western Reserve UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Case Western offers a test optional policy.3903928.67%1440–153032–35
Lehigh UniversityTest OptionalLehigh offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.1841529.26%1370–148031–33
California State Polytechnic University—San Luis ObispoTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.6395529.65%1230–142027–32
Kenyon CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Kenyon has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2025 semester.821830.71%1380–148031–34
Bryn Mawr CollegeTest OptionalBryn Mawr offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, international students are not eligible for test optional admission.327831.06%1320–146030–33
Lafayette CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Lafayette College extended their temporary test optional policy to the fall 2026 term.987431.47%1350–147030–33
Franklin and Marshall CollegeTest OptionalFranklin and Marshall College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission. Franklin and Marshall does not offer merit-based aid.923131.83%1330–143029–32
Bucknell UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Bucknell University adopted a temporary test optional policy for first-year students. However, all students are required to submit scores upon enrollment. Bucknell will use the pilot period to assess the patterns of success for test score submitters and non-submitters.1101032.01%1170–136025–32
Berea CollegeTest OptionalBerea College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.207332.71%
College of William and MaryTest OptionalWilliam and Mary offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply without SAT or ACT scores.1754832.72%1370–151032–34
Scripps CollegeTest OptionalScripps offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.308233.94%1430–151032–34
Spelman CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Spelman has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admission cycle.1061034.09%1050–125021–27
San Diego State UniversityTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.8319034.18%
Oberlin CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Oberlin College has extended their temporary test optional policy for first-time, international, and homeschooled to the 2025–26 application year.1059734.34%1340–146030–34
Brandeis UniversityTest OptionalBrandeis University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.1128235.33%1400–150031–34
University of RochesterTest OptionalThe University of Rochester offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.2168035.85%1410–151031–34
Trinity College (Hartford)Test OptionalTrinity offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.622036.14%1320–146030–32
Binghamton University—SUNYTest OptionalThe SUNY system offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.4951937.73%1350–147030–33
Connecticut CollegeTest OptionalConnecticut College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.939738.28%1170–137027–32
Mount Holyoke CollegeTest OptionalMount Holyoke College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.503038.29%1360–147031–33
Southwestern UniversityTest OptionalSouthwestern University has a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and international students are not eligible for test optional admission.658539.07%1180–132023–30
North Carolina State University—RaleighTest Optional* (Temporary)The UNC System requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores. However, students with an unweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher are able to apply test optional.3982239.55%1280–143025–31
Hampden-Sydney CollegeTest Optional (Temporary)Hampden-Sydney College has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2025 period.326239.79%1040–131023–29
Occidental CollegeTest OptionalOxy offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.657339.89%1370–147031–34
Loyola Marymount UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)LMU has extended their temporary test optional policy to Fall 2025.2336140.29%1280–143029–33
Rollins CollegeTest OptionalRollins offers a test optional policy ("test scores waived option"), which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, applicants to the 3/2 Accelerated Management Program or the Honors Degree Program must submit test scores.979740.56%1210–136026–31
American UniversityTest OptionalAmerican University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.1951040.63%1290–142029–32
University of California—DavisTest FreeThe UC system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT/ACT scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships.9463541.85%
University of Washington—SeattleTest OptionalThe University of Washington—Seattle offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores.6242842.53%1280–149030–34
Texas Christian UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)TCU has extended their temporary test optional policy through 2025.2051742.60%1160–137026–31
Emerson CollegeTest OptionalEmerson College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.1210942.75%1280–141030–32
Clemson UniversityTest OptionalClemson offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.5281942.98%1230–140026–31
Dickinson CollegeTest OptionalDickinson offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.718543.08%1290–141029–32
Syracuse UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Syracuse extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle.4635743.12%1280–141028–32
University of Wisconsin—MadisonTest Optional (Temporary)The University of Wisiconsin—Madison has extended its temporary test optional policy to the spring 2027 term.6353743.32%1370–149028–32
Stevens Institute of TechnologyTest Optional (Temporary)Stevens Institute of Technology has extended their temporary test optional policy, with some exceptions, for Fall 2026. However, students applying to the Accelerated Pre-Medicine or Pre-Law programs are required to submit scores.1417043.44%1380–149031–34
George Washington UniversityTest Optional*George Washington University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, applicants applying to the accelerated Seven-Year B.A./M.D. Program, students who attend secondary schools that do not provide letter grades, homeschooled students, and recruited NCAA Division 1 athletes are not eligible for test optional admission (unless allowed by the NCAA).2709443.54%1360–148031–34
University of Illinois—Urbana-ChampaignTest OptionalUniversity of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign offers a test optional oplicy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT/ACT scores.6739843.69%1350–151030–34
Union College (NY)Test OptionalUnion College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and those applying for the Leadership in Medicine program or the 3+3 Accelerated Law Program are not eligible for test optional admission.929543.79%1330–146030–33
University of Maryland—College ParkTest Optional (Temporary)UMD has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 application cycle.5936944.84%1380–151032–35
Fairfield UniversityTest OptionalFairfield University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.1546344.98%1250–137029–32
Truman State UniversityTest Optional* (Temporary)Truman State University has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2025 semester. Students applying to the nursing major must submit scores. Test scores are also required to be eligible for some scholarships or programs.491245.05%1070–133023–29
Hampton UniversityTest Optional*Hampton University requires either the SAT or ACT, however they will waive this requirement for students with a 3.3+ GPA or who rank in the top 10% of their class. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.1503545.10%840–122017–27
Illinois Wesleyan UniversityTest OptionalIllinois Wesleyan offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.612845.17%1140–133024–29
University of San DiegoTest Free (Temporary)University of San Diego has extended their temporary test free policy to the Fall 2025 semester.1592446.80%
California State University—Long BeachTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.7965747.14%
Gettysburg CollegeTest OptionalGettysburg College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, Gettysburg recommends that both international and homeschooled students submit SAT or ACT scores.712247.50%1240–146027–32
CUNY—HunterTest Free (Temporary)The CUNY system has extended their temporary test free policy through Spring 2027.3391347.80%
Bennington CollegeTest OptionalBennington has a test-optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores.282548.04%1310–140030–32
Bentley UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Bentley University has extended their temporary test optional policy through Fall 2025.1048248.44%1270–139029–32
Providence CollegeTest OptionalProvidence College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.1246948.72%1100–130025–30
Stony Brook University—SUNYTest OptionalThe SUNY system offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.5034149.01%1330–147028–33
Rhodes CollegeTest OptionalRhodes offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.743849.19%1310–147027–31
CUNY—Baruch CollegeTest Free (Temporary)The CUNY system has extended their temporary test free policy through Spring 2027.2567149.54%960–1420
University of PittsburghTest Optional (Temporary)Pitt has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admission cycle.5841649.70%1270–145029–33
Pepperdine UniversityTest OptionalPepperdine offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply without submitting SAT or ACT scores.1245749.85%1250–144026–32
St. John's College—AnnapolisTest OptionalSt. John's College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and students who will not earn high school diplomas are not eligible for test optional admission. Most international students are not eligible for test optional admission.98349.95%1250–146030–33
Whitman CollegeTest OptionalWhitman College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, international and homeschooled students are strongly encouraged to submit SAT or ACT scores.618549.99%1290–147027–33
Clark UniversityTest OptionalClark University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, international students are not eligible for test optional admission.878750.32%1260–143028–33
Auburn UniversityTest Optional*Auburn requires either the SAT or the ACT. However, applicants with a 3.6+ GPA may apply test-optional.4817950.47%1240–136025–31
Ohio Wesleyan UniversityTest OptionalOhio Wesleyan University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.570850.67%
Sewanee: University of the SouthTest OptionalSewanee—The University of the South offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.501850.90%1230–136027–31
Baylor UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Baylor has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admissions cycle. However, homeschooled students, students who attend schools that only provide narrative evaluations, and students who graduate high school early are not eligible for test optional admissions.3976750.97%1160–134025–31
Howard UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Howard University has extended its temporary test optional policy to the 2023–24 admissions cycle.1953751.90%1060–127020–26
Santa Clara UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Santa Clara University has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2025 terms.1665052.11%1300–147029–33
St. Olaf CollegeTest OptionalSt. Olaf College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.595652.15%1260–145028–32
California State University—FresnoTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.1993552.19%
Furman UniversityTest OptionalFurman University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.840652.57%1280–141028–32
Ohio State University—ColumbusTest Optional (Temporary)OSU has extended their temporary test optional policy to Fall 2025.6518952.72%
Pratt InstituteTest OptionalPratt offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.828153.17%1240–141026–32
Michigan Technological UniversityTest Optional* (Temporary)Michigan Tech has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2025 semester for students whose GPA is 3.0+.2056553.17%1120–133025–31
DePauw UniversityTest OptionalDePauw University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and students who wish to apply for an Honor Scholar or Fellows program are not eligible for test optional admission.719754.06%1140–143026–31
Fordham UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Fordham University has extended their temporary test optional policy to Fall 2025 admissions.4720354.13%1330–146030–33
Pennsylvania State University—University ParkTest Optional (Temporary)Penn State has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2025 term.8595754.22%1230–139027–32
The College of WoosterTest OptionalThe College of Wooster offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores.703154.32%1280–143027–32
University of ConnecticutTest Optional (Temporary)UConn has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2026 term.4089454.51%1220–144028–33
Illinois Institute of TechnologyTest OptionalIllinois Tech offers a test optional policy.891255.42%1190–140025–31
Chapman UniversityTest OptionalChapman offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and students who graduate from schools without traditional grades are not eligible for test optional admission.1591455.61%1260–142028–32
Soka University of AmericaTest OptionalSoka University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply without submitting SAT or ACT scores.49856.63%1280–141026–27
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Virginia Tech has extended their temporary test optional policy through Fall 2025.4720757.03%1240–142027–32
Birmingham-Southern College Test OptionalBirmingham-Southern College offers a test optional policy, which allows applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, applicants who select test optional admission are required to have an interview with an admissions counselor.301957.17%1150–126022–29
New SchoolTest OptionalThe New School offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.952457.18%
Hobart and William Smith CollegesTest OptionalHobart and William Smith Colleges offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.556057.28%1230–136026–32
Beloit CollegeTest OptionalBeloit offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores.391457.36%1250–138026–31
University of Massachusetts—AmherstTest OptionalUMass Amherst offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.5042457.77%1310–146029–33
Colorado School of MinesTest OptionalMines offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.1088658.00%1340–146030–33
John Brown UniversityTest OptionalJBU offers a test optional admission policy. However, some international students may be required to submit scores.144258.39%1100–136021–28
St. Lawrence UniversityTest OptionalSt. Lawrence offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores. However, international students are not eligible for test optional admission.536758.47%1260–140029–32
Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteTest Optional (Temporary)RPI has extended their temporary test optional police to the fall 2025 semester. However, students applying to the Physician-Scientist Program will be required to submit the appropriate testing.1595058.50%1370–149031–34
Worcester Polytechnic InstituteTest Free (Temporary)WPI has adopted an eight year test free policy, which means the university does not accept scores in the application process, beginning with the Fall 2021 application cycle.1180958.50%
Drury UniversityTest OptionalDrury University offers a test optional policy, which allows domestic students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.263158.76%1040–133023–28
Sarah Lawrence CollegeTest OptionalSarah Lawrence College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores.481958.93%1250–140029–33
Marist CollegeTest OptionalMarist College offers a test optional policy, offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and students applying to some programs are not eligible for test optional admission.1100059.09%1220–135027–32
Lake Forest CollegeTest OptionalLake Forest College has a test-optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores. Test optional applicants must complete an interview. Homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.481159.41%1190–137028–31
University of VermontTest Optional (Temporary)University of Vermont has extended their temporary test optional policy through Fall 2026.3023159.79%1280–142028–32
Bard CollegeTest OptionalBard College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.516159.99%1290–147028–33
Morehouse CollegeTest OptionalMorehouse offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply without SAT or ACT scores.522160.01%18–25
Wofford CollegeTest OptionalWofford College has a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores. However, international students are not eligible for test optional admission.442560.18%
Hendrix CollegeTest OptionalHendrix College has a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and international students who are native speakers of English are not eligible for test optional admission.272960.28%1130–134023–31
Milwaukee School of EngineeringTest OptionalMSOE offers a test optional policy.603260.38%1170–137025–30
Georgia StateTest Optional* (Temporary)The University System of Georgia requires SAT or ACT test scores. However, students applying to Georgia State with a 3.4+ GPA may be considered without scores.2812760.59%960–117019–26
Biola UniversityTest OptionalBiola University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.395860.64%1150–135024–30
Southern Methodist UniversityTest OptionalSMU offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply without SAT or ACT scores.1509261.22%1340–147030–34
University of California—Santa CruzTest FreeThe UC system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT/ACT scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships.6875061.28%
SUNY College of Environmental Science and ForestryTest OptionalThe SUNY system offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.201861.40%1120–131023–29
University of South CarolinaTest Optional (Temporary)The University of South Carolina has extended their temporary test optional policy through Fall 2025 admissions.4668261.49%1190–137026–32
Gustavus Adolphus CollegeTest OptionalGustavus Adolphus College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores.445061.80%25–31
University of DaytonTest OptionalThe University of Dayton offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT/ACT scores.2248561.83%1180–135024–30
The College of New JerseyTest Optional* (Temporary)The College of New Jersey has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2025–26 admission cycle. However, test scores are required for Nursing students and the Accelerated Seven-Year Medical School opportunities.1166862.14%1150–133025–37
Centre CollegeTest OptionalCentre College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scors.274662.35%1200–1470
Wabash CollegeTest OptionalWabash offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.189762.78%1100–129024–29
Lawrence UniversityTest OptionalLawrence University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores.348963.03%1230–142027–32
Texas A&M University—College StationTest OptionalTexas A&M offers a test optional policy.5110863.10%1150–137025–31
SUNY—GeneseoTest OptionalSUNY-Geneseo offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT/ACT scores.1347963.53%1200–133025–27
Yeshiva UniversityTest Optional*Yeshiva offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for regular admission without SAT/AC scores. However, honors applicants are required to submit scores.171363.75%1330–147028–33
Allegheny CollegeTest OptionalAllegheny College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores. However, international students are not eligible for test optional admission.449263.82%1030–131025–31
Muhlenberg CollegeTest OptionalMuhlenberg College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores.434864.01%1230–139028–31
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University—Daytona BeachTest OptionalEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University offers a test optional policy, which allows most students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. Homeschooled students must provide SAT or ACT scores and show academic strength through AP Exams.982564.85%1140–133023–30
Washington CollegeTest OptionalWashington College has a test-optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without submitting SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled applicants and internantional applicants are not eligible for test optional admission.257665.37%1200–133025–30
University of Texas—DallasTest OptionalUTD offers a test optional policy.2936665.46%1180–140025–32
Drake UniversityTest OptionalDrake University offers a test optional policy, which it refers to as a "test-flexible" plan, which allows students to either write an essay or sit for an interview in lieu of submitting test scores. However, homeschooled students, as well as applicants to certain programs, are not eligible for test optional admission.757965.50%1220–137024–30
Concordia College—MoorheadTest OptionalConcordia College offers a test optional policy, which allows applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.377465.53%1410–141021–28
Abilene Christian UniversityTest OptionalACU offers a test optional policy. However, only students who submit test scores will be considered for the honors college and elligible for some scholarships.1122665.79%1030–125020–27
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—New BrunswickTest OptionalRutgers—New Brunswick offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.4165466.29%1270–146028–33
Lipscomb UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Lipscomb University has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2024 term.423066.67%1110–129020–28
University of Alaska—AnchorageTest OptionalUniversity of Alaska, Anchorage offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.390066.69%990–122019–25
New Jersey Institute of TechnologyTest Optional (Temporary)NJIT has extended their temporary test optional policy to Fall 2024.1399366.90%1210–147025–32
Presbyterian College (SC)Test OptionalPresbyterian College offers a test optional policy, which allows applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.335966.92%1080–128012–27
Elon UniversityTest Optional*Elon offers a test optional policy. However, students applying to the Nursing, Accelerated Pathways to PA and DPT and the Accelerated 3+1 Business Dual-Degree programs are required to submit scores. Nursing applicants must have a minimum SAT score of 1100 and ACT 22. Home-schooled applicants and students attending U.S. high schools that do not issue letter grades are required to submit standardized test scores for admission and scholarship consideration.1879167.31%1200–136026–31
Agnes Scott CollegeTest OptionalAgnes Scott College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.185767.64%1170–133026–31
Augustana CollegeTest OptionalAugustana College has a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores. Test optional applicants may be asked to complete an interview. However, homeschooled applicants and international applicants are not eligible for test optional admission.742467.65%1020–124021–28
Queens University of CharlotteTest OptionalQueens University of Charlotte offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores, though they encourage applicants to submit scores.435767.68%1130–128024–29
Stonehill CollegeTest Free (Temporary)Stonehill College has has extended their temporary test free policy to Fall 2025.696167.69%1120–129024–29
University of North GeorgiaTest Optional* (Temporary)The University System of Georgia requires SAT or ACT test scores. However, students applying to UNG with a 3.0+ GPA may be considered without scores.1016967.72%1040–122019–25
St. John Fisher UniversityTest OptionalFisher offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.460067.80%1120–127024–29
University of North Carolina—WilmingtonTest Optional* (Temporary)The UNC System requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores. However, students with an unweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher are able to apply test optional.1686068.83%1220–137024–29
University of TulsaTest Optional*University of Tulsa offers a test optional policy, however, test scores are strongly encouraged. Applicants to the Early Careers in Medicine program are required to submit scores.1204269.18%1070–135021–30
Kennesaw State UniversityTest Optional* (Temporary)The University System of Georgia requires SAT or ACT test scores. However, students applying to Kennesaw State with a 3.2+ GPA may be considered without scores.2313869.18%1030–122019–25
Brigham Young University—ProvoTest Optional (Temporary)BYU has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Winter 2027 term.1100669.19%1290–144028–32
University at Buffalo—SUNYTest OptionalThe SUNY system offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.3821069.30%1210–138027–32
University of Hawai'i at MānoaTest OptionalUniversity of Hawai'i offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scors. However, please note that scholarships or department direct entry programs may require test scores for consideration.1921769.67%
University of HoustonTest Optional*University of Houston requires the SAT or ACT. However, they will waive this requirement for students who rank in the top 10% of their class or have a 3.45+ GPA.3023769.74%1160–132023–28
University at Albany—SUNYTest OptionalThe SUNY system offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.3074069.87%1140–131023–29
Berry CollegeTest OptionalBerry College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply without standardized test scores.522069.94%1100–127023–29
Ithaca CollegeTest OptionalIthaca College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.1200769.94%1210–133027–31
Saint Louis UniversityTest OptionalSaint Louis University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT/ACT scores.1504770.05%
University of California—RiversideTest FreeThe UC system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT/ACT scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships.5688370.38%
Siena CollegeTest OptionalSiena College offers a test optional policy, which allows applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, applicants must meet certain academic requirements to apply test optional. Additionally, applicants to select programs are not eligible for test optional admission.899270.57%1110–135026–29
Hofstra UniversityTest OptionalHofstra Univeristy offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and international students are not eligible for test optional admission.2289070.59%1220–136027–31
University of DenverTest OptionalUniversity of Denver offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.1921470.67%1220–137028–32
Hollins UniversityTest OptionalHollins offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT/ACT scores.299270.86%1110–131023–29
Texas Tech UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Texas Tech has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2025 entry terms.3402070.89%1100–126022–28
University of AkronTest OptionalThe University of Akron offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scors.1498270.91%960–119018–25
Oklahoma State UniversityTest OptionalOklahoma State University offers a test optional policy. However, test scores are required for most university scholarships.1961270.93%1020–123020–27
Knox CollegeTest OptionalKnox College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.413671.06%1200–137021–30
Austin CollegeTest OptionalAustin College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores.343571.12%1120–129024–31
Rochester Institute of TechnologyTest OptionalRochester Institute of Technology offers a test optional policy, which allows students applying to most programs to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. Students applying to imaging science, motion picture science, and photographic sciences within the College of Art & Design must still provide test scores2407171.14%1290–144029–33
University of San FranciscoTest OptionalUniversity of San Francisco offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.2310371.18%1230–139027–31
Coe CollegeTest Optional*Coe College requires either the SAT or ACT, however, it will waive this requirement if you have a 3.0+ GPA. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.748171.50%1080–128022–28
Ball StateTest OptionalBall State University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and students whose high schools do not provide grades are not eligible for test optional admission.2866871.60%1080–125025–30
University of Arkansas—FayettevilleTest Optional*The University of Arkansas requires either the SAT or the ACT. Applicants with a 3.2+ GPA may apply test optional, however, they are required to submit scores for enrollment. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.2817271.67%1050–122021–28
College of CharlestonTest OptionalCollege of Charleston is test optional.2668372.00%1150–129024–29
Creighton UniversityTest OptionalCreighton offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, applicants to the nursing program and homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.722272.43%1230–140024–30
University of North TexasTest Optional*University of North Texas requires either the SAT or ACT. However, they will waive this requirement for students with a 3.0+ GPA. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.3680772.46%1000–122019–27
Missouri University of Science & TechnologyTest Optional (Temporary)Missouri S&T has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2025 term.818173.07%1160–135025–31
California State Polytechnic University—PomonaTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.4624173.11%
Drew UniversityTest OptionalDrew University offers a test optional policy, which allows applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.398973.15%1120–130024–30
Luther CollegeTest OptionalLuther College offers a test optional policy. However, who do not meet the minimum academic requirements may be asked to provide additional transcripts, test scores, educator references, or essays.244773.27%1100–131022–29
DePaul UniversityTest OptionalDePaul University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and international students are not eligible for test optional admission.3217673.53%1070–1290
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—NewarkTest Free*Rutgers—Newark offers a test free policy, which means they will not consider SAT or ACT scores as part of the admission process. However, applicants to the 7-year BA/MD joint program are required to submit scores.1493573.94%1060–129021–30
Louisiana State University—Baton RougeTest Optional*LSU requires SAT or ACT scores, however students who earn at least a 3.0 GPA on core classes or 18 early college credits with a 2.5 GPA may apply without test scores.4255874.00%1150–130024–29
University of DelawareTest OptionalUniversity of Delaware offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.3522874.09%1210–135026–31
Earlham CollegeTest OptionalEarlham offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores. However, international students and homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.176574.22%1200–133023–30
Mercer UniversityTest Optional*Mercer University requires test scores. However, students with an unweighted GPA of 3.5+ are able to apply test optional.758674.39%1210–134026–31
Lewis & Clark CollegeTest OptionalLewis and Clark offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. Prior to the 2020-21 admission cycle, students who chose not to submit standardized test scores had to submit an academic portfolio in lieu of scores. However, students will no longer be required to submit a portfolio.633474.53%1230–139029–31
Clarkson UniversityTest OptionalClarkson University offers a test optional policy.701174.58%1190–137025–32
Goucher CollegeTest OptionalGoucher College offers a test optional policy, which allows applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.341474.63%1100–132026–30
Seton Hall UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Seton Hall has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2026 term.2573275.06%
University of La VerneTest OptionalUniversity of La Verne offers a test optional policy, which allows first-year applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.598475.10%970–130018–25
Elmhurst CollegeTest OptionalElmhurst offers a test optional policy. Students who choose to apply TO will be required to submit an essay.626475.70%1060–125024–28
University of AlabamaTest Optional (Temporary)Bama has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2025 term.5841875.82%1120–137022–30
Gonzaga UniversityTest OptionalGonzaga University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without test scores.953075.96%1230–140026–31
University of Puget SoundTest OptionalPuget Sound offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, students who attend secondary schools that do not provide letter grades and homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.556875.99%1220–138027–31
Taylor UniversityTest OptionalTaylor University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. Students who choose not to submit scores may be asked to provide more information or complete proficiency exams.207676.11%1070–132023–30
James Madison UniversityTest OptionalJames Madison University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.3575076.25%1180–131023–29
Mississippi State UniversityTest OptionalMississippi State offers a test optional policy. While SAT and ACT scores are not required for admission, they are recommended for scholarship consideration.2087776.32%1110–141021–29
Loyola University MarylandTest OptionalLoyola University Maryland offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.1016276.33%1200–134027–32
University of Rhode IslandTest Optional (Temporary)University of Rhode Island has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admission cycle.2548176.39%1140–130025–30
Bradley UniversityTest OptionalBradley University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.1013876.66%1050–129025–32
Baldwin Wallace UniversityTest OptionalBaldwin Wallace University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without test scores. However, home schooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.438476.85%1050–127020–27
University of MissouriTest Optional* (Temporary)Mizzou has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2025 term. Homeschooled students and students from non-accredited high schools are not eligible for test optional admissions.2166977.02%1150–133023–29
University of Nebraska—LincolnTest Optional*The University of Nebraska-Lincoln requires either the SAT or the ACT. However, it will waive this requriement for students with a 3.0+ GPA or who rank in the top half of their class. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.1835477.07%1090–131022–28
University of North DakotaTest OptionalUniversity of North Dakota offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply without SAT or ACT scores.743777.09%1130–127020–26
Wheaton College (MA)Test OptionalWheaton College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, Wheaton encourages students whose first language is not English to submit their SAT or ACT scores along with the required English proficiency testing.358077.09%1180–134025–31
University of OklahomaTest Optional (Temporary)University of Oklahoma has adopted a five-year test optional policy beginning with the 2020-21 admission cycle. Test scores are encouraged for scholarship consideration.2215777.16%1150–131023–29
St. Mary's College of MarylandTest OptionalSaint Mary's College of Maryland has a test-optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled applicants and applicants with non-traditional academic transcripts are not eligible for test optional admission.293477.30%1130–135028–30
University of Minnesota—Twin CitiesTest Optional (Temporary)University of Minnesota—Twin Cities has extended their temporary test optional policy to the fall 2027 term.3469977.47%1330–146027–31
Adelphi UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Adelphi University has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2027–28 admissions cycle.1713577.53%
Drexel UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Drexel has extended their temporary test optional policy to the fall 2025 term.4020477.53%1250–141027–33
University of New MexicoTest OptionalUNM offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without test scores. However, home-schooled and non-traditional students are not eligible for TO admission. Scores are also necessary for some scholarships.1363178.32%910–115019–26
Carroll CollegeTest Optional*Carroll College requires either the SAT or ACT, however it will waive this requirement for students with a 3.0+ unweighted GPA. Students who are homeschooled, wish to apply to Direct Entry Nursing, or wish to participate in intercollegiate atheletics are not elligible for test optional admission. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.270978.33%1070–127022–28
University of Illinois—ChicagoTest OptionalUIC offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT/ACT scores.2542078.50%1070–130024–31
High Point UniversityTest OptionalHigh Point University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, students seeking some merit scholarship or those who wish to be placed in the Honors Program need to submit test scores.1244678.88%1100–128023–29
University of IdahoTest Optional* (Temporary)The University of Idahos requires either the SAT or the ACT. However, applicants through 2025 may apply test-optional with a 2.6+ GPA. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.1222279.09%950–120020–29
Cornell CollegeTest OptionalCornell College has a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores. Students who apply test optional are expected to respond to two additional written prompts on their applications, and to submit portfolios.305779.33%1210–132023–30
Kalamazoo CollegeTest OptionalKalamazoo College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores.356479.83%1200–137026–32
University of North Carolina—CharlotteTest Optional* (Temporary)The UNC System requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores. However, students with an unweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher are able to apply test optional.2269880.21%1170–121021–27
San Jose State UniversityTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.3578080.23%1070–132022–28
Indiana University—BloomingtonTest OptionalIndiana University—Bloomington offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and students who attend schools with nontraditional grading systems are not eligible for test optional admission.5427980.37%1180–138027–32
Hope CollegeTest OptionalHope College offers a test optional policy.515080.47%1090–133025–31
Pacific Lutheran UniversityTest OptionalPacific Lutheran University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, applicants from schools with written evaluations rather than grades and homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission. Applicants to the nursing program, students interested in teaching, and international applicants strongly encouraged to submit scores.413980.53%990–129021–27
Willamette UniversityTest OptionalWillamette University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores.399580.60%1240–142027–33
University of Texas—ArlingtonTest OptionalUTA is test score optional for admission. However, test scores can help in determining admissions decisions, scholarship opportunities, and Texas Success Initiative (TSI) exemptions.2196380.80%1000–124018–26
Hanover CollegeTest OptionalHanover College offers a test optional policy, which allows applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.284881.00%1070–122023–29
St. Mary's College (IN)Test OptionalSaint Mary's College has a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and international students are not eligible for test optional admission.237681.14%1040–126023–29
Ripon CollegeTest OptionalRipon College offers a test optional policy, which allows applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.214281.33%990–117019–27
Eastern Michigan UniversityTest Optiona*Eastern Michigan University requires SAT or ACT scores as part of the application. However, student with a 2.75+ GPA are permitted to apply test optional.2035181.35%910–115018–26
Loyola University ChicagoTest OptionalLoyola University Chicago offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without standardized test scores. However, students applying for admission to the Bachelor of Nursing and Engineering Science programs will still be required to submit a self-reported test score as part of the requirement for review.4046881.39%1210–137024–30
University of Colorado—BoulderTest OptionalUniversity of Colorado—Boulder offers a test optional admission policy.5734081.43%1160–138027–32
Washington and Jefferson CollegeTest OptionalWashington and Jefferson College has a test-optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores.321881.54%1030–125018–29
West Virginia UniversityTest OptionalWVU has a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores.1863981.61%1050–124021–27
Virginia Military InstituteTest Optional (Temporary)VMI has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 application cycle.117181.73%1050–126022–28
Point Loma Nazarene UniversityTest OptionalPLNU does not require an SAT or ACT score for admission. Some merit aid at PLNU does still require a test score to be awarded.306581.76%1170–138022–30
Wayne State UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)WSU has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admission cycle.1522981.82%940–120021–27
University of RedlandsTest OptionalUniversity of Redlands offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.387281.87%1110–128025–30
Westmont CollegeTest OptionalWestmont College offers a test otional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.232681.99%1220–142030–33
Samford UniversityTest Optional (Temporary)Samford University has extended their temporary test optional policy to the Fall 2024 term.454182.23%1070–126023–29
Oregon State UniversityTest OptionalOregon State University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.2565182.53%1130–138022–30
Simmons UniversityTest OptionalSimmons University offers a test optional policy.290582.55%1080–125024–29
Ursinus CollegeTest OptionalUrsinus College has a test-optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without submitting SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled applicants and applicants with narrative-style transcripts are not eligible for test optional admission.381882.71%1200–135027–32
Towson UniversityTest OptionalTowson offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.1894882.80%1060–125019–28
Humboldt State University Test FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.1655682.82%1030–128021–28
Temple UniversityTest OptionalTemple University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, home-schooled applicants, recruited student athletes, and international applicants are not eligible for test optional admission.3639982.92%1150–137023–30
Albion CollegeTest OptionalAlbion offers a test optional application policy.543883.16%
Randolph-Macon CollegeTest OptionalRandolph-Macon College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT/ACT scores.262083.40%1060–122022–29
Quinnipiac UniversityTest OptionalQuinnipiac University offers a test optional policy, which allows most students applying to the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business, School of Communications and School of Engineering to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. Homeschooled students and students playing a Division I sport must provide test scores.1866883.79%1130–130024–29
Boise StateTest FreeBoise State offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT/ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and students who attend non-accredited high schools are required to submit test scores.1679583.92%
Michigan State UniversityTest OptionalMichigan State offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.5887983.92%1110–130024–30
Xavier UniversityTest OptionalXavier University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without test scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.1485284.49%1140–130023–30
University of IowaTest OptionalUniversity of Iowa is test optional, which means eligible students can apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.2568284.67%1130–131022–28
St. John's University (NY)Test OptionalSt. John's University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admissions without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students, some international students, students applying for several specific majors, and prospective student athletes are not eligible for test optional admission.2460784.67%1110–131024–29
Western Michigan UniversityTest OptionalWMU offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT/ACT scores.2010084.68%990–121020–27
Whittier CollegeTest Optional*Whittier College offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without test scores. Students with a GPA below 3.0 may be asked to submit standardized test scores.275084.87%1120–133023–31
Ohio UniversityTest OptionalOhio University has a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores.2538584.96%1100–128022–28
University of OregonTest OptionalThe University of Oregon offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, applicants from nonaccredited schools and homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.3945484.99%1150–134022–30
St. Michael's CollegeTest OptionalSt. Michael's College has a test-optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled applicants are not eligible for test optional admission.262985.05%1160–132026–30
Seattle UniversityTest OptionalSeattle University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled applicants are not elligible for test optional admission.793485.15%1160–136024–30
Washington State UniversityTest OptionalWSU offers a test free policy, which means they do not consider SAT/ACT scores as part of the admissions process.2616685.36%1000–125020–27
The Catholic University of AmericaTest FreeThe Catholic University of America has adopted a test free policy, which means they will not consider SAT or ACT scores for admission.580185.59%1110–134022–29
University of ArizonaTest OptionalUniversity of Arizona offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, applicants to the UA Honors College, the College of Fine Arts, the College of Nursing, the College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture, and College of Engineering and homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission.5646685.66%1150–135021–28
University of Nevada—Las VegasTest Optional*UNLV requires either the SAT or ACT, however, they will waive the requirement for students with a 3.0+ GPA. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.1371185.76%980–123018–24
Butler UniversityTest OptionalButler University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, applicants who major in Pre-Pharmacy, Health Sciences, and Healthcare and Business programs, students who attend secondary schools that do not provide letter grades, homeschooled students, and transfer applicants who have completed fewer than 20 college credits are not eligible for test optional admission.943185.87%1200–134026–31
University of Mary WashingtonTest OptionalThe University of Mary Washington offers a test optional policy, which allows students to petition to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, students applying for the Pre-Nursing Program or merit based scholarships and homeschooled students are not eligible for test choice.460686.26%1160–132023–31
Stetson UniversityTest OptionalStetson University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.782486.43%1030–124020–26
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityTest OptionalVirginia Commonwealth University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply without SAT or ACT scores. However, submission of test scores remains a requirement for all Guaranteed Admission Programs in the Honors College. All first-year applicants will be considered for scholarships as long as other scholarship consideration requirements are met. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.1928986.56%1040–126022–30
Kent StateTest OptionalKent State requires either the SAT or ACT. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.2236686.65%1010–123018–25
California State University—FullertonTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.4847986.72%880–110020–26
University of New HampshireTest OptionalThe University of New Hampshire offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, all Division 1 athletic recruits are required to submit standardized test scores.2088786.87%1130–131026–31
California State University—Los AngelesTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.3394186.94%
University of UtahTest OptionalThe University of Utah offers a test optional admission policy, which allows students to apply without SAT or ACT scores.2299687.17%1190–138022–29
University of Texas, Rio Grande ValleyTest Optional (Temporary)UTRGV has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admission cycle.1267487.36%910–111016–22
Montclair State UniversityTest OptionalMontclair State offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.2359987.41%920–1220
Marquette UniversityTest OptionalMarquette University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores, to both domestic and international applicants.1565787.48%1200–134026–31
University of CincinnatiTest Optional (Temporary)The University of Cincinnati has extended its temporary test optional policy through Fall 2025.3316587.67%1160–134024–29
Loyola University New OrleansTest OptionalLoyola NOLA offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission with SAT or ACT scores.614287.72%
Duquesne UniversityTest OptionalDuquesne offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.1228287.73%1170–133025–31
Miami University—OxfordTest Optional (Temporary)Miami Ohio has extended their temporary test optional policy to the 2024–25 admission cycle.3036787.92%1170–135024–29
Christopher Newport UniversityTest Optional*Christopher Newport University requires either the SAT or ACT, however they will waive this requirement for students with a 3.5+ GPA or who rank in the top 10% of their class. For students applying in the 2020-21 admission cycle, there is no minimum GPA for test optional admission.706287.96%1120–129023–29
Susquehanna UniversityTest OptionalSusquehanna University offers a test optional policy, which allows applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.468888.03%1090–125022–28
University of KansasTest Optional*The University of Kansas requires either the SAT or the ACT. However, they will waive the requirement for students with a 3.4+ GPA. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.1922688.20%1060–128021–27
University of Texas, San AntonioTest OptionalUniversity of Texas, San Antonio offers a test optional policy, which allows studenrs to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.2249788.46%1010–120019–26
University of California—MercedTest FreeThe UC system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT/ACT scores when making admissions decisions or awarding scholarships.3001788.60%
Appalachian State UniversityTest Optional* (Temporary)The UNC System requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores. However, students with an unweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher are able to apply test optional.2400188.64%1100–127021–27
St. Mary's College of CaliforniaTest OptionalSt. Mary's offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without test scores. However, student-athletes, homeschooled students, and students attending schools that don't give grades must provide test scores.428988.67%
Wheaton College (IL)Test Optional*Wheaton offers a test optional policy. However, students applying from non-accredited schools are required to submit scores.187288.68%1260–142028–33
Texas State UniversityTest Optional*Texas State offers a test optional policy for students in the top 75% of their graduating class. All students ranked in the fourth quartile of their class must submit scores that meet assured admission standards for admission.3748688.76%990–118019–26
George Mason UniversityTest OptionalGeorge Mason University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, students who major in computer science and engineering majors, home-schooled applicants, and students seeking to become a member of one of George Mason's NCAA intercollegiate athletics teams are not eligible for test optional admission. The Volgenau School of Engineering entering classes of 2020 and 2021 are exempt from the 550 SAT Math/24 ACT Math requirement.2257988.83%1160–133025–30
California Lutheran UniversityTest OptionalCalifornia Lutheran University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students are not eligible for test optional admission, and test scores are required to qualify for some merit scholarships.529088.88%1130–132023–29
Goshen CollegeTest OptionalGoshen offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT/AC scores.117588.94%860–1130
Illinois StateTest OptionalIllinois State offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without standardized test scores.2088489.01%1030–122022–27
Iowa State UniversityTest OptionalIowa State is test optional, which means eligible students can apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.2299589.13%1120–133021–28
Colorado State UniversityTest OptionalColorado State University offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.3661689.59%1050–126023–29
Georgia Southern UniversityTest Optional* (Temporary)The University System of Georgia requires SAT or ACT test scores. However, students applying to Georgia Southern with a 3.2+ GPA may be considered without scores.1441089.63%980–115018–23
California State University—San BernardinoTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.1398489.73%820–102015–24
University of North Carolina—GreensboroTest Optional* (Temporary)The UNC System requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores. However, students with an unweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher are able to apply test optional.1237989.83%1110–124022–27
San Francisco State UniversityTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.3192489.96%
East CarolinaTest Optional* (Temporary)The UNC System requires students to submit SAT or ACT scores. However, students with an unweighted GPA of 2.8 or higher are able to apply test optional.2228990.11%1040–120019–24
Arizona State UniversityTest Optional*ASU requires either the SAT or ACT, however, it will waive this requirement for students with a 3.0+ GPA or who rank in the top 25% of their class. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.6884090.19%
Transylvania UniversityTest OptionalTransylvania University has a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without submitting SAT or ACT scores. However, test optional applicants are strongly encouraged to visit the Transylvania campus for an in-depth interview.178190.68%1120–136023–29
Portland StateTest Optional*Portland State offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, students who attended homeschool, or a non-accredited, non-standard high school are required to submit test scores.887790.91%1100–129019–28
Northern Arizona UniversityTest OptionalNorthern Arizona University offers a test optional policy, which allows first-year applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, scores required to receive merit-based scholarships.3780590.95%1040–126019–26
Central Michigan UniversityTest Optional*CMU offers a test optional policy. However, homeschooled students or students whose high schools do not provide grades are required to submit SAT/ACT scores.1810291.01%970–120021–27
Missouri State UniversityTest Optional*Missouri State University requires either the SAT or ACT, however, it will waive the requirement for students with a 3.25+ GPA. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.1190191.05%1000–109019–25
California State University—ChicoTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.2291091.07%910–115019–30
College of St. BenedictTest OptionalThe College of Saint Benedict offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students, students who attend schools with nontraditional grading systems, and applicants to the Nursing Early Admission Program are not eligible for test optional admission.185291.36%21–27
University of Washington—BothellTest OptionalThe University of Washington—Bothell offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT/ACT scores.477691.77%1070–136023–30
California State University—NorthridgeTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.3009892.19%
Valparaiso UniversityTest OptionalValparaiso offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scors.613392.22%
California State University—SacramentoTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.2544392.25%
California State University—Monterey BayTest FreeThe Cal State system offers a test free policy, meaning they will not consider SAT or ACT scores in the admissions process.1196593.27%1000–123021–28
Utah StateTest OptionalUSU offers a test optional policy. While SAT or ACT scores are not required for application, they are recommended for scholarship consideration.1933193.62%1070–130020–28
Texas Lutheran UniversityTest OptionalTLU offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply without submitting SAT or ACT scores.155494.79%1030–123022–28
University of ToledoTest OptionalUniversity of Toledo offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, homeschooled students and students whose high schools do not provide grades are not eligible for test optional admission.1118494.83%1000–127020–27
University of the PacificTest OptionalUniversity of the Pacific offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.576394.86%1170–141023–31
University of KentuckyTest Optional (Temporary)UK has extended their temporary test optional policy to students entering in the 2028–29 academic year.2210994.89%1080–128021–28
University of MaineTest OptionalUniversity of Maine offers a test optional policy, which allows students to apply for admission without SAT or ACT scores.1352494.96%1080–132022–31
Old Dominion UniversityTest Optional*ODU offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, not all applicants may be eligible for test optional admission. Please check with the university.1443595.14%1100–124022–27
University of Wisconsin—MilwaukeeTest Optional (Temporary)The University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee has extended its temporary test optional policy to the spring 2027 term.1510995.29%
University of PortlandTest Optional (Temporary)University of Portland has extended their temporary test optional policy to Fall 2025.904195.39%1190–141025–30
University of MontanaTest OptionalUniversity of Montana offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT/ACT scores.946495.60%1110–128019–26
Western Kentucky UniversityTest Optional*WKU requires either the SAT or ACT. However, it will waive this requirement for students who have a 2.5+ GPA.772097.05%920–114018–25
University of WyomingTest Optional* (Temporary)Test scores are not currently required for undergraduate admission decisions to the University of Wyoming. Though not required, scores are recommended for financial assistance. Students who have earned their GED and are under 21 years old must submit SAT or ACT scores.564497.41%1040–126021–27
University of MississippiTest Optional* (Temporary)Ole Miss has extended their temporary test optional policy for students with a 3.2+ GPA. Although they are not requiring a standardized test score for admission for the 2024–25 application cycle, ACT/SAT scores are still very important for scholarships, some aid programs and for academic placement.2783797.78%1030–120021–29
The CitadelTest OptionalThe Citadel is a test optional institution.288398.09%1100–126022–26
University of South DakotaTest Optional*University of South Dakota requires either the SAT or ACT. However, they will waive this requirement for students who have a 2.6+ GPA, rank in the top 50% of their class, or achieve a 3 or higher on the English Language Arts and Mathematics Smarter Balanced Assessments. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.538198.88%1150–129019–25
Kansas State UniversityTest Optional*Kansas State requires either the SAT or ACT. However, they will waive the requirement for students with a 3.25+ GPA. It does not require the optional ACT Writing Test.1067299.83%1050–124021–27
University of Texas—El PasoTest Optional*UTEP requires either the SAT or ACT. However, it will waive this requirement for students who rank in the top 10% of their class.1049399.92%870–99016–22
Weber State UniversityTest OptionalWeber State University offers a test optional policy, which allows first-year applicants to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores. However, scores are recommended to help determine scholarship eligibility and Math & English placement.9968100.00%18–24
Millsaps CollegeTest OptionalMillsaps College offers a test optional policy.N/AN/A
University of St. Thomas (MN)Test OptionalThe University of St. Thomas offers a test optional policy, which allows students to be considered for admission without SAT or ACT scores.N/AN/A1130–134024–29

About 96% of the schools listed have reported for the classes entering in fall 2023 or 2022—the two most recent reporting years. Many of these institutions currently offer test optional policies, which explains the low submission percentages and the absence of score data at some schools. Scores for enrolled students entering in the fall of 2024 should become generally available summer of 2025.

Art Sawyer

Art graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University, where he was the top-ranked liberal arts student in his class. Art pioneered the one-on-one approach to test prep in California in 1989 and co-founded Compass Education Group in 2004 in order to bring the best ideas and tutors into students' homes and computers. Although he has attained perfect scores on all flavors of the SAT and ACT, he is routinely beaten in backgammon.


  • Krystyna Stopyra says:

    Hi Mr. Sawyer. I am a masters student at SMU and I am studying the gap in access for LatinX students to higher education. I was wondering if you still had the average scores from 2016, since I am using a data set of SAT scores of students who took the test in 2015. I noticed that this article was updated this year, so I’m hoping you still have 2016 data, or if you could point me in the right direction? Thank you!

    • Art Sawyer says:

      I’m not confident enough that we have the data archived accurately. My recommendation would be to access the IPEDS data maintained by National Center for Education Statistics. It has the advantage of being a complete database. It has the disadvantage of being clunky to use and slow to be updated. The latter doesn’t matter in your case, and IPEDS keeps each class year separate. Good luck with your research!

  • Tanya says:

    I think there is a type on Georgia Tech’s Reading/Writing 25th percentile score. It should be 370, bringing the composite score for the 25th percentile to 1090. All of the other numbers match the school’s website.

    🙂 Tanya

  • Debbie says:

    Hi Mr. Sawyer, My daughter is applying to Duke ED this November. She is trying to decide which school within Duke ( Trinity or Pratt) to apply to. She would be thrilled to get into either. She took three subject tests ( Math 2 – 780, US History – 770, Physics – 720) and will send her SAT superscore of 1540 (770 Critical reading and 770 Math.). Based on these scores do you think one gives her a better chance of being admitted verses the other? Her sibling went to Duke’s Pratt School of engineering. Thank You!

    • Art Sawyer says:

      I don’t consider myself knowledgable enough to make that distinction. I believe it’s more important that she make a compelling case as to why she should be admitted. Good luck!

  • bob says:

    Thank you for this resource. I presume that the score ranges listed are based on enrolled students’ SAT superscores (versus specific test date scores), for those colleges that allow superscores. Can you please confirm this? Thanks.

    • Art Sawyer says:

      The numbers are as reported by colleges in the Common Data Set. The CDS is mum on the subject of superscoring, so it is left up to the colleges. I can’t imagine why a superscoring college would want to report lower scores, but I suppose it is possible. Yes, the Common Data Set is for enrolled students.

  • Mustafa says:

    Thank you for this resource.

  • Bonnie says:

    The above says this was updated today, 3/25. These score ranges were presumably pulled from IPEDS, which only has class of 2022 data right now, i.e., it’s a bit old. In addition, it looks like many of the composite ranges were created by adding the section scores. Note that the 2019-2020 CDS, with class of 2023 admission data, includes a new field, an actual, accurate composite range, often narrower on one or both ends of the range than the computed composites above. While only maybe half of colleges have posted their new CDS, I am hoping that this useful the table will be updated again soon, after IPEDS rolls over to class of 2023 data in June.

    • Margaux Erilane says:

      Hi Bonnie,

      We updated the table today with new test optional policies (many schools have announced them this week, some in response to COVID-19). We plan to update the score ranges later this spring when all of the data is available.


  • Sarah says:

    Mr. Sawyer,

    My son is Class of 2021. He has an ACT composite score of 35 and two previously taken SAT subject tests – Biology M 730 his freshman year and World History 800 his sophomore year. I anticipate that most likely his subject tests may be cancelled in June. Would those two subject tests suffice for highly selective colleges as he is taking 5 AP tests this year and the subject tests will be somewhat repetitive from his AP exams (Latin & Chem were the subject tests he was going to take). He is looking at Global Studies or International Relations for majors – so no STEM.

    Thanks for your insight,

    • Art Sawyer says:

      School closures and test cancellations have accelerated the process that was already taking place — removal of Subject Test requirements. There are no U.S. colleges requiring Subject Tests this year, and even recommendations have been watered down. So your son’s current tests will suffice. June is almost certain to be cancelled. If your son is still interested in trying improve his testing portfolio (Latin is a notoriously difficult test), hopefully a later date will be available. Given his existing scores, I don’t think it should be a priority.

  • JP says:

    Hi Mr. Sawyer, I am a class of 2021 in Highschool and I’ve studied and took classes for the SAT but haven’t actually taken the test. Recently though, I took 2 SAT practice tests at an SAT academy and got a score of 500 for Reading and writing and 360 for math which I acknowledge is a terrible score. I want to know if it would be better for me to not take the SAT because of the COVID 19 situation. As of now, I’m still trying hard and working on improving on my SAT. Please help me figure out what I should do. I want to go to a good college to further my studies.
    Thank you for your help Mr. Sawyer.

    • Art Sawyer says:

      Some of this depends on whether the option to take the SAT is even available to you. It’s hard to predict which sites will be open. Some high schools are adding dates specifically for students at their school. I would recommend trying to get an official score on record. My guess is that 90+% of the schools on your application list will be test optional by the time you apply. So why bother taking the test? As an insurance policy. If you don’t get the score you want, don’t submit it unless it’s required. If it’s required, then at least you have something to send. If the stress of studying for and taking the SAT is going to get in the way of school or applications, though, I would recommend that you pass. It sounds like your scores are not so strong that they would tip things in your favor. You’ll have a tremendous range of colleges that will consider your application, even without scores. Best of luck.

  • Piotr says:

    Georgetown comes up on this list as test-optional, but the G’town admissions site still lists the tests are required.

    • Margaux Erilane says:

      Hi Piotr,

      It’s surprising that Georgetown hasn’t updated their main admissions page yet, but here is the link to their COVID-19 update:

      “While we will continue to consider standardized test scores as part of our holistic admissions review process, we understand that some students may be prevented from taking either the SAT or ACT due to unprecedented challenges brought about by the global COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, we will be flexible and fully consider applications from students who encounter difficulties completing standardized tests and are thus unable to provide SAT or ACT scores.”

  • Liz says:

    It looks like MSOE has contradictory information. It is listed as a “No” for TO but the text says it has adopted TO for 2021.

  • Bob says:

    For schools that only provide EBRW and Math percentiles, and not Composites, on their CDS, are you adding the numbers together to get a Composite? From schools that provide both, it’s apparent that the sum of75th percentile scores almost always exceeds the composite 75% score (by ~15 points), and the opposite at the 25th percentile.

    • Margaux Erilane says:

      Hi Bob,

      Yes, for schools that do not supply the 25-75% composite, we add up the EBRW and Math scores. We know it’s not perfect, but it’s the best we can do in those situations!

  • Steve says:

    As Chicago doesn’t publish a CDS, what’s your source for 25+% of all Freshman scoring a perfect 1600 on the SAT?

  • JD says:

    Hi Mr. Sawyer, If my daughter is a National Merit Semifinalist and lists the U.S. Naval Academy as her college choice on the NMSC application, will the NMSC deposit any stipend money awarded to the Naval Academy in her name? The NMSC website states that “scholarships are not payable for students’ attendance at service academies”. (My son graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, and although tuition/room/board are all covered at service academies, we did have to pay $2000 to cover his personal computer to be used at USMA and the cost of his numerous uniforms was also deducted from his monthly USMA stipend. We were hoping that any NSMC stipend money would be deposited to the Naval Academy in her name so that it could be used towards these items).

    • Art Sawyer says:

      NMSC is clear that its awards do not cover studies at service academies. This means that your daughter should not list the USNA as her first choice on the Finalist application. If she changed her mind about attending USNA, for example, she should want to have the option of receiving a scholarship elsewhere.

  • Manisha says:

    Is there any way to make your SAT score known to universities that seem to have a policy of not considering them? And if you can make them known, can it have a positive effect on your admissions chances. Say you want to apply to UCLA which had a SAT range from 1290-1510, and you scored a 1550. That should help, one would think. So is there a way to make that score known? Or will the UC system hold that it against you for violating their policy of a blind eye to standardized test scores?

    • Art Sawyer says:

      UCLA is “test free” in that they will not look at SAT/ACT scores no matter how high. It is pointless to send a score report to the UC system. I would advise against any sort of workaround such as mentioning it in an essay. The UC system is not completely test free in that they will look at a student’s AP scores. You can, of course, submit your SAT score to schools that are test optional.

  • Sab says:

    Hi Mr. Sawyer. I am confused as to whether I should send my SAT scores to Bucknell or go SAT optional. My SAT score is 1310 and I am going to be applying for financial aid.

    • Art Sawyer says:

      There are a number of factors to be considered. I would ask Bucknell if the SAT is used for financial aid or merit scholarship decisions. If you are a recruited athlete, a score may be necessary. Are you counting on your SAT score to counter-balance weak academic performance? Or does it undercut strong performance? The 1310 is a bit below Bucknell’s historical median, so I would lean against submitting. It’s not in a range, however, where submitting would do real damage to your application.

  • Eva says:

    Hi, Art! When do you expect the schools in the Ivy League to announce their testing policies for the class of ’23? Is your assumption that most will remain test optional? Thank you!

    • Art Sawyer says:

      Many colleges don’t update their policies for future class years until they’ve finished admitting the current class. It’s hard to make policy decisions when you’re in the midst of reading tens of thousands of applications. I wouldn’t be surprised to see most announcements come between April and June. The Ivy League is not monolithic. Cornell, for example, has made clear that it sees a future for test optional and test free policies. Other schools don’t seem as ready to push aside testing as a part of holistic evaluation. I think we’re likely to see some Ivies shift to SAT/ACT recommended or required policies, since test availability is no longer a major obstacle. My colleague Bruce Reed writes about this in a current post on testing trends.

  • PJ says:

    Hi Art ,
    This question is a little off-topic, but I do not know where else to post it. I am trying to figure out what percentage of deferred students are accepted during regular decision at Cornell U. My son found out today he was not accepted or denied at Cornell U (class of 2026). He applied ED I to Cornell. When I searched the Internet, this is what I found:

    “In Cornell’s Early Decision round, 4,882 students applied and 1,340 were offered admission, leading to an admit rate of 27.4%. Another 23.6% of applicants were deferred into the Regular Decision pool.” I believe this means about 49% of ED applicants were rejected. However, of the deferred students, how many were accepted during RD (in the past)? That’s hard to find. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you!

    • Art Sawyer says:

      AFAIK, few schools give visibility to that percentage. In cases that I’ve seen, the acceptance rate of deferred students during RD is roughly similar to RD applicants during RD. This makes some sense intuitively. A deferred student is strong enough not to be rejected during ED but doesn’t stand out as a clear admit. A deferral means that the admission office would like to evaluate the student within the context of the overall RD pool. It never hurts to ask the college, although admission officers are buried in files at this point. Best of luck to your son.

  • Beth says:

    Fordham test-optional through Fall 2023

  • Teez says:

    Thank you for this resource. I presume that the score ranges listed are based on enrolled students’ SAT superscores (versus specific test date scores), for those colleges that allow superscores. Can you please confirm this? Thanks.

    • Margaux Erilane says:

      Hi Teez,

      The data in the table is mostly taken from the schools’ Common Data Sets. Some schools report a composite 25th-75th percentile, and that’s what we have listed here. Some only report Math and Verbal separately, and in those cases we add the scores together.

      • Rachel says:

        I scored a 36,35,35,35 which gives me a composite of 35. I also understand that 35,35,34,34 gives a composite score of 35. Do colleges view my 35 the same as the person with a lesser 35 (but that is still a great score)

        • Margaux Erilane says:

          Hi Rachel, thanks for reaching out! Admissions officers review the subsection scores in addition to the composite scores.

  • Abdurakhmon says:

    Nice day Mr. Sawyer, sorry to bother you, I’m currently studying at an international school, where the language of education is English. The main goal of our school is to prepare students for the exam of “Cambridge AS&A Level programme” . I want to get A level from Math, and I haven’t time for SAT, Can I go to USA university with my A level, but without SAT? And there are any kind of difference between A level from Math and SAT for USA universities? How kind of chance I have with my A level from math? Thanks for answer.

    • Margaux Erilane says:

      Hi Abdurakhmon,

      Many colleges and universities have extended their SAT/ACT optional policies to international students (but require proof of English language proficiency). We’ve found that many schools treat A-Levels more similarly to Advanced Placement Exams than SAT/ACTs. Schools will consider performance on A-Level exams and often offer credit for courses taken. Check out our blog post about how colleges and universities use AP Exam scores; many AP policies mention A-Levels:

  • Kristin says:

    Do test optional schools provide any general guidance of whether a student should provide mediocre test scores rather than not submit them? In this respect mediocre would be defined as being near the bottom 25% of scores accepted for the previously reported year?

    • Margaux Erilane says:

      Hi Kristin,

      Great question! Most schools offer some version of the following as guidance: “Applicants are encouraged to submit test scores if they believe those scores accurately and positively reflect their academic abilities.”

  • Enco says:

    Hi Margaux,
    I am writing from Austin, Texas and this question is a bit off-topic; however, I do not know where else to post it. Our son wants to attend Swarthmore College. We (parents) have never heard of it, but Swarthmore does appear to have a pretty low acceptance rate according to your table. Would you consider this college on par, in terms of quality of undergraduate education, with some of the more well-known institutions? He is not entirely sure what he wants to do in life; for now, he has a demonstrated interest in economics and political science. He is considering law school at some point. Thank you for your time.

    • Margaux Erilane says:

      Hi Enco,

      Thanks for reaching out. Swarthmore is an excellent school! There’s no shortage of articles, lists, and national rankings out there that will confirm that. But colleges are so much more than their rank or reputation! We find that students get the most out of their higher education experience when they are in an environment they love. In addition to academics, the institution’s size, culture, sports program, campus social life, and even geographic location (a Philly winter might come as a shock to someone from Austin!) are all factors that may affect a student’s happiness and long-term success. My point is: the “best” school out there is the one that’s the best fit for your son. And if he’s telling you he wants to go to Swarthmore, then it’s certainly worth considering! Talk as a family about why the school appeals to him and, if you’re able, I’d recommend a campus visit.

  • Judi Robinovitz says:

    Art — will you be publishing a list of colleges with admit rates for 2023 and mid-50% score ranges for admitted students as you did for 2022? I hope so as I rely so much on it!

    • Art Sawyer says:

      We will be updating the list toward the end of the summer when all of the Common Data Set figures are available. I’m glad that you find it helpful!

      • Judi Robinovitz says:

        Art — two questions:
        * Will the updated table be published soon?
        * Since you’re getting your data from CDS, I’m assuming that the score ranges are for enrolled students (2022 or 2021, but not 2023 — right), not admitted students. Is that the case? And if so, how would you guestimate the difference between the mid-50% enrolled vs mid-50% admitted?

        • Art Sawyer says:

          We updated the tables last month. In most cases, that means the CDS would be 2021-2022. Colleges won’t even be able to submit 2023-2024 data until after the October enrollment cutoff. Yes, CDS data are based on enrolled students rather than admitted students. Unfortunately, there is no standard source for information on admits. While the mid-50% scores are higher for admits, the differential is not uniform. Given its high yield rate, for example, Harvard likely maintains similar score ranges for admits and enrollees. That’s not always the case. I like Wesleyan as a yardstick because of its profile and the fact that it releases consistent admission and CDS numbers. For admitted students in the class of 2026, Wesleyan showed ACT 34-35, SAT ERW 720-770 and SAT M 740-790. For enrolled students in the Common Data Set, Wesleyan reported 31-34, 660-750, and 660-760.

  • Aneel says:

    Hello Mr. Sawyer
    My daughter is a rising senior. She scored 35 in ACT and her weighted GPA is 4.5 out of 5. Her PSAT score is 1470. She was also one of the finalist for New Jersey Gov. Stem program.
    She is planning to apply ED to UPenn . What are her chances and do you think admission committee might reject her application if she says in her application that I am looking for financial aid?

    Thanks in advance

    • Art Sawyer says:

      I try to stay in my lane and focus on expertise around standardized tests. I don’t consider myself qualified to predict admission chances. However, I can say that UPenn will not penalize your daughter for applying for financial aid. For citizens or permanent residents of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, UPenn is need-blind during the admission process.

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